Sunday, May 17, 2020

Climate Change Is Caused By Human Activities - 1617 Words

While natural and human activities both contribute to climate change, human activities are causing far more detrimental consequences to the Earth that may lead to serious damage if action is not taken. Evidence of this is plentiful and can be found is numerous studies of past climates, empirical data of the current climate, and scientific predictions of potential future climates. It is important to recognize what is, and what causes, climate change. Throughout Earth’s extensive history the climate has naturally fluctuated. While this is true, the majority of scientists agree that present day climate change is caused by human activities. The primary reason for climate change is the concentration of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gasses create pollution in the atmosphere and cause the Earth to experience a greenhouse effect. Certain gasses, clouds, and dust in the atmosphere absorb long wave radiation from the Earth on its way to space and radiates it back to Earth causing the oceans and atmosphere to warm. Warmer temperatures can then cause some processes to occur more than usual; specifically processes that emit greenhouse gasses and create a positive feedback loop. As seen is Figure 1, records show higher concentration of greenhouse gasses correlates with higher atmospheric and ocean temperatures. For billions of years, natural sources have been affecting climate change. The respiration and decomposition of microorganisms and plants release carbonShow MoreRelatedClimate Change Is Caused By Human Activities1975 Words   |  8 Pagesto the new Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2013, in Southeast Asia, temperature has been increasing at a rate of 0.14 to 0.20 degree Celsius per decade since the 1960s while rainfall from extreme rain days has increased by 10 millimeters per decade. Both of these increments are caused by climate change. In addition to increase of temperature and extreme precipitations, climate change also increases landslides, exacerbates soil erosion, causes floodingRead MoreWhat Role Has Human Activity Played in Causing Climate Change?678 Words   |  3 PagesThe change in global climate is the most powerful problem that currently occurs on the earth. The problems of climate change may be caused by both of human ac tivities and natural events. 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